The Fluffiest Cleanser Ever feat. Biore [AD]
13.5.16The Fluffiest Cleanser Ever!
Featuring Biore's new Marshmallow Whip Deep Clean Facial Wash which I have been using since I was 12!

The only thing that used to hold me back from replenishing this product whenever it ran out was the pricing. It was around $16 back then if I remember correctly and I could easily get a relatively effective cleanser anywhere for way cheaper.
Onto the new formula I got to try out from Biore
These babies only just hit the shelves earlier this week!
The new formula was created specifically to deal with oily skin but let's face it, no matter what combination our skin types may be, the humidity in Singapore recently has been leaving my face feeling totally disgusting by nightfall.
Recently, I actually fell into the dark hole of over cleansing and I don't moisturize on a daily basis so this left my skin totally dried up and wait for it... I still could not escape from the zits! On the contrary to being zitless, while getting my makeup done by my sister (@BeautyByRah), she said that my nose felt like crocodile skin.
Well, I have been washing my face with fluffy clouds now so whoop bye bye crocodile skin!
Well, I have been washing my face with fluffy clouds now so whoop bye bye crocodile skin!
Personally, I am just back in love with this cleanser.
One pump is all I need each time and me being the lazy lazyyy girl I have always been, having foam immediately pumped out just delights me because it saves me from having to ladder up my cleanser on my own.
In addition, the tiny-er bubbles in Biore's formula helps the cleanser to penetrate deeper into your skin, cleansing deep within your pores and leaving you with overall cleaner skin.
The price of this marshmallow foam cleanser is now only $13.90 !
I feel like I used to pay $16 for this?
You can grab one of them at any pharmacy, super mart, beauty or departmental store