
Xander 4Minute and Boys Like Girls


Okay all i went for was arrival... SHOCKING?! on friday i went for cg and friday church so yep only got to see xander on thurs :\ but not that sad cause i already saw him a few times before :3 heheheh but still sad luh T_T Xander leh!!!!! my very very very first bias in u-kiss :x not for him i wouldn't be a kiss me right now u__u HAHAHAHAH BUT STILL HAPPY :D

met carrot first at about 6pm and she was at macs with ndrea! first time seeing her after hearing about her for god knows how long hahaha but after that she went to find the shipei group so.... we met kayleigh natasha angeline and charmayne ^~^ omg i miss my ^~^ tbh i stopped using it for a while because.... *ahem* started using it =__= BUT HI IM BACK ^~^

 Selca with carrot <3 i like this :)
 Me carrot and Kayleigh :3 don't ask me why my eyes were so small .___.
 Annyeong HAHAHHA
 OMG my eyes are literally two lines ;__;
 Hi haha :3
 and hi again :3
 ANOTHER SELCA WITH CARROT <3 look at her!!!! so pretty :-* let me kiss! HAHAHA
 another group pic with my small eyes .___.
and another one :x
and TA-DAH ITS XAXAXA XANDERRRRRR taken by kayrot :3 HEHEHEH see? see? see? did me snap right in his face? NO :P but *cough* theres something wrong with the Polaroid at the right :\ spot it!

4Minute and Boys like Girls
So on star concert day i came at... /to me/ really late to queue :x reached at about noon >__< but still managed to get to first row I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW BUT IM SO HAPPY! i mean... b2utiful show overnight also cannot get first row and so much space somemore so OMG MIRACLE like i barely even got squashed during the concert SO I REALLY ENJOYED IT!!!!! and idk why but my computer can't read the memory card from the camera i borrowed from natasha cause... the pictures there are like clear and close up and all the derp and pouts are all there T_T IF THEY'RE GONE ILL CRY EVERYNIGHT ok so here are some photos i took with my bb :\ CONSIDERED OK FOR A PHONE CAMERA WHICH CAN BARELY ZOOM OK? HAHAHAHHA
My favorite member <3 heheh
urgh >_< why didn't it focus :(

 My favorite phone taken picture <3

and then there was stalking on the16/7 and FM Day. My vans were full baby FULL on monday there was me charmayne sabrina jen kayleigh yeehuey shipei natasha wade grace zixuan mars and mars's friend who i forgotten her name :x then on tuesday me charmayne jen kayleigh harry raymond zixuan natasha dolphine iris grace geraldine and cherin ^~^ I shall not say anything about the stalking except... JOONKUN IS DAMN SHY HAHAHHAHAH and he mistook some people for us _|_(=__=)_|_ stupid pabo

And FM day i got first row again :x UNBELIEVABLE? BELIEVE IT! although i reached at like 5 :x i saw steph there ^~^ and she had space for me so DSIUGSDAIUGSDUIGSD ahhaha and i met @b2utyforlifee too :D she got to go on stage!!!!! happy for her :-') happy cause she is A CUBE STAN and for once casuals didn't get EVERYTHING so yea :3 HAHAHAHHA but i barely got to take any pictures though :x because the camera no bat and my phone super low bat so i only got a few PHONE PICS AGAIN and there aren't even clear T_T LETMECRYARIVER

Also.... I GOT THE TVN POSTER BABY WAHAHHAHAHAH whose the crazy bitch screaming her head off? ME AHAHHAHAH when ahken was like dance i was like SCREAMDSVIUGDASUGASDVUIGASDVOUGUGUIVADSG then he said heart to heart then i was like UIFGISDFAGISFODGUFIFS then he looked at me and i was like :x /shy/ so moose(steph's friend idk how to spell his name :x ) went up AHHA but i still got a poster from answering question \m/ 
ahken: who is the organizer of this event... (something like that)
ahken: besides cj entertainment and media and cube entertainment (something like that)
ahken: okok tvntvntvntvn give her the poster

LOLOLOL and apparently jen standing and 4th floor (?) could hear me screaming hyuna so.... O_O was i that crazy? OMG IDEK AHAHHAHAH but believe it for not i didn't lose my voice :P

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