Essential is a popular and trusted hair care brand from Japan who isn't new to the scene, I've always loved their previous Rich Premier Honey Hair Mask and they recently just upgraded it to serve us even better like how can it even get any better?
Well, it has. It all has. Essential's new hair care range just hit the shelves a few weeks back and there are now 4 new variants for you to choose from for your hair type which includes...
1 - Nourishing Breakage Defense (orange) – for weak & damaged hair
2 - Moisturizing Frizz Free (pink) – for dull & rough hair
3 - Light Finish Volumizing (yellow) – for flat and limp hair
4 - Deep Cleansing Care (blue) – for oily scalp & dry ends
Do you struggle with deciding your hair type whenever you're purchasing new shampoo or conditioner? I know I do... If you haven't been following me for very long, you probably do not know about my hair's tough journey surviving on my head hahaha
I've dyed and bleached it probably around 20-30 times before I went short. Here's a little peak into some fun my hair has had over the past years

My scalp is actually naturally on the oilier side but back when i had longer hair, i only shampoo-ed my hair once every 2 days or during it's driest periods, twice or thrice a week. Simply because everything was pretty much dead and dried up and it only wanted conditioner or whatever mask i could provide it with instead of shampoo to strip more oil from it.
Right now however, with half a healthy head of hair, my roots get oily so sooo easily that I have to wash my hair once or twice a day to keep my hair tamed and looking clean. My ends however, are still evidence to my hair's rainbow past hahaha...
So what do I do? I have oily roots but dry ends!
Their Yellow and Blue variants have new technology in their formulas to cater to people with combination hair and not forgetting the best part, their products are all crazy affordable!
If you aren't sure on what your hair type is, refer to these 2 tables for some guidance :)

Here's what I'm currently using!
If you aren't sure on what your hair type is, refer to these 2 tables for some guidance :)

Here's what I'm currently using!
Essential Deep Cleansing Care Shampoo
Price: S$4.50 (200ml) / S$11.50 (750ml)
"Leaves oily hair refreshed at the roots yet moisturized at the ends, hair feels surprisingly smooth when you finger comb through whether wet or dry, Optimum combination of Smart Cuticle Care & Sebum Cleansing Technology for airy light roots and moisturized ends"
Essential Deep Cleansing Care Conditioner
Price: S$4.50 (200ml) / S$11.50 (750ml)
With Smart Cuticle Care & Sebum Cleansing Technology for oily scalp and dry ends, I am loving their new formula for this variant
"Leaves oily hair refreshed at the roots yet moisturized at the ends, Hair feels surprisingly smooth when you finger comb through whether wet or dry, Optimum combination of Smart Cuticle Care & Sebum Cleansing Technology for airy light roots and moisturized ends "
Essential Nourishing Breakage Defense Hair Treatment
Price: $6.90 (180g)
"Repairs damaged hair and prevents damage, Highly concentrated formula intensively repairs damaged hair, leaving hair deeply moisturized, Treatment delivers repair ingredients to each hair strand instantly and works effectively in just 30 seconds"
Essential Nourishing Breakage Defense Hair Mask
Price: S$9.90 (200g)
"Intensive care for severely damaged hair, strengthens hair and effectively prevents damage"
Essential is readily available at well... everywhere from supermarkets such as NTUC or Giant to personal care stores like Beaute Springs
Do follow them on Instagram @essentialsingapore
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